Ranked: 4yrs ago
Uploaded: 4yrs ago

Prelude in A minor, op. 11

Janise Dèvenacher

2.66 Easy

Charted with explicit permission from the artist.

Artist's notes:

this short prelude is in ternary (ABA) form. the A section features heavy use of staccato and chromaticism/scalar passages (especially in the left hand), with the intent of evoking a Scarlatti sonatina baroque vibe. the B section, starting from measure 17, uses more modern harmony and features much usage of the sustain pedal, in contrast to the A section. the A section then reappears after 16 bars to round out the piece.

(Un?)fortunately, there is no accompanying fugue with this prelude; it's not like this is the WTC, anyways.

Mmm... ternary form...

~ Janise

classical piano
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