>stop-motion is an original song from vivid/stasis, developed by hajimeli / team vividstasis - distributed here under the non-commercial use guidelines of vivid/stasis original songs.
>even though i am part of the charting team of vivid/stasis, this chart is not officially endorsed by hajimeli or sky hour works, and is to be treated like a non-commercial fan work.
made using amogusv and affine.
background made by me.
stutter - stills - slowjam - anchoring - multiscroll - blind memory - denormalization - affine
estimated qsvds rating: ~57 (memory-hybrid)
listen - https://soundcloud.com/frums/stop-motion | support frums - http://www.frums.xyz/
play vivid/stasis - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2093940/vividstasis/