Ranked: 3yrs ago
Uploaded: 3yrs ago

Nothing but Theory


beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON...

3.43 Normal SV

Thank you Fullest for making a cool LN gd

Thank you Drater for making a cool SV gd

play with vsync (60fps + input delay) or limted fps (240fps) if needed to reduce note flashing? you can change those settings in options > video > framerate. maybe the map and svs will still work fine on unlimited frames, but idk

sorry to 144hz/144fps or non-constant fps players, maybe?

sorry to 5-30 scroll speed players. playing with top lane cover and/or adjusting scroll speed might help

SV idea/concept stolen from PlayerZero's osu!mania storyboard map: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1332351#mania/2760515

Check out PlayerZero's map on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drtecXTxbQg

no 7k because 1.) lazy 2.) 7k reverse scroll / splitscroll sv too crazy/obscure of a skillset to make a map for, seeing how hard the 4k diffs already are

ULTRA JAZZFUNKTION jazz fusion konami bemani 2dx japanese electronic instrumental ost SV Fullest Drater DraterTD
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