foxibun's Beginner: Occasional 1/1 snap notes, LNs, and jumps sparingly used throughout.
Easy: LNs with 1/1 snap notes, 2-4 note 1/2 snap streams placed throughout, and occasional jumps.
Normal: LNs with 1/1 snap notes with more complex patterns during LNs, more often 1/2 snap streams with some rhythmically important 1/4 snap notes, never extending past 2 notes in a row.
foxibun's Hard: Jumps are more common, with occasional hands starting passages. 1/4 stream more common with two 1/4 jumpstream sections, 1/1 snap LN usage with jumps and notes throughout.
Insane: Jumpstream and 1/6 speed.
Always SmiLiNg: Inverse jumpstream and handstream.