Ranked: 1yr ago
Uploaded: 1yr ago



Maimai Deluxe UNiVERSE

Created by
21.91 Insane

This was the part of the description where I listed a few things that were weird with this mapset on my setup, but it's ok, guys.

Insane: Charted by myself. A stream section with jumps followed by a light jumpstream section split by very easy LN and basic chordjack sections.

Expert: Charted by myself. Varying levels of chordjack split by very easy LN sections, with a broken jumpstream and chord ending.

Do your best.: Charted by myself. Two medium length sections of somewhat dense handstream split by easy LN and chordjack sections.

maimai 7sRef 月島春果 maimai でらっくす Limonène maimai DELUXE kamome sano Haruka Tsukishima
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