Ranked: 3yrs ago
Uploaded: 4yrs ago


Hatsuki Yura

Eclipse Parade

Created by
25.81 Insane

STATUS: Ranked!

Started this map on Osu, but finishing it on Quaver.

The goal with this map was to push difficulty in my map-making to a level beyond my actual play ability, but without making the map stupidly difficult. This was my hardest map created so far when I finished.

Sqwid's map in SM is my primary inspiration for picking this song to map against.


  • 2020-07-21 - Kaguyahime's 1st draft is finally done!

  • 2020-07-22 - Some minor changes and fixed unsnapped notes throughout the chart

  • 2020-08-11 - Cleaned up some things and submitted for ranked!

  • 2020-10-29 - Some adjustments from RS recommendations

  • 2020-10-30 - Some further adjustments, especially in the LN section

輝夜姫 はつき ゆら 葉月 ゆら SEFU-007 SeifuuMeigetsu Rock J-Core Minijacks LN Jumpstream
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