[center][b]If you don't have faith, why are you even here?[/b][/center] [center]I draw and play rhythm games as my hobbies. [/center] [center]Here's a cool artwork.[/center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WRfDnMz.jpg[/img] [center] I'm a budding (read: awful) artist. I work a full-time job and play Quaver competitively, while streaming from time to time with a focus on content centered around helping other players improve. I'm a member of ERA. You can check my (Art-centric) twitter if you want to find some of my works. Otherwise I play League of Legends ocassionally. (Dirty ARAM player.)[/center] [center]I wrote a guide on how to get better at Quaver. Check it out [url=https://steamcommunity.com/id/RainbowAfterSnow/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides]here.[/url][/center] [center]Feel free to DM me if you want advice.[/center] [h1]Dan Goals[/h1] 10th Dan - Achieved at some unknown point on Quaver Alpha Dan - Achieved 8/27/2021 Beta Dan - Achieved 11/7/21 Luminal Dan - Achieved 1/22/2022 Gamma Dan - 1/14/23 Tachyon Dan - 6/3/23 [h2]LN Dan goals[/h2] 8th Dan LN - Achieved 10/20/2021, lets goooo! 9th Dan LN - 2/21/2022, shredded 10th Dan LN - 3/4/2023 11th Dan LN - 3/28/2023 12th Dan LN - 5/21/2023 [h3]Personal goals[/h3] Wagakki Band: Tengaku 4k Heaven FC - X Shanti Shanti Shanti 1.0 98% - Achieved 12/9/21 Megitsune 1.0 98% - Achieved 10/21/2021 Im so happy Everything Will Freeze 1.05 98% - 12/19/21 Everything Will Freeze 1.1 98% - X The Empress .9 99% - X Megalomania .9 99% - X And Say Goodbye .95 99% - X Luin of Cletchar rupture FC - X Road to the legend 1.0 98% - X [h1]For Fun Goals[/h1] 1 x rank - Achieved 10/17/2021 10 x rank - X 100 x rank - X 300 S+ rank - 12/15/21 1000 S+ rank - X Rank 1 on every Storn map - X