Ranked: 3yrs ago
Uploaded: 3yrs ago
Submitted: 3yrs ago

Banbard's Summer


ƒBanbards 2

Created by


7k light chordstream :)

tried to implement some cool concepts here and there to better reflect music

mozell piano instrumental chordstream
3 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
3 years ago
A consistent, well-representive map of the song.
Seen no problem with the metadata, accurate as well.
Length is over 2:30, so 1 difficulty only is totally ok.
Quality map in total, leaving a vote.
3 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
3 years ago
very impressive improvement from your last map! very nice map however things you should work on for your next map is making your map more dynamic. I see you tried here with making the ending a bit more dense but the map does still feel very stagnant for the first 3 ish minutes. I see the neat patterns you scattered here and there throughout the map and theyre very welcome and fun to play but it would work more effectively if you used them in more strategic places and themed certain sections of the map around those specific patterns to make it more dynamic and interesting throughout. overall very good map and im super excited to see what you do in the future!
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