Ranked: 3yrs ago
Uploaded: 4yrs ago
Submitted: 4yrs ago



Created by

Art source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/67860933

Music source: https://soundcloud.com/laserimouto/prismatix

I first heard this song at Tsungeddon 2020, and was blown away. laserimouto played my favorite set that day.

Kaleid Ruby is the original map, but I made a slightly nerfed version in the Kaleid Sapphire edition because really this song should be enjoyed by everyone. The respective structures have many similarities, but I feel the maps diverge enough where it matters that they can be considered distinct.

STATUS: Ranked!



<summary>Click to expand</summary>


  • First draft uploaded


  • Some minor nerfs throughout the Sapphire difficulty (and a few buffs to the second drop)

  • Changed the ending on both difficulties


  • Minor nerf to the rolls at the end of the first drop in the Ruby difficulty

  • Small consistency fix in the outro of both difficulties


  • "missing triples like on 21310|1,21310|4, taking as reference 20710|1,20710|3,20710|4" - Fixed this, and in one other location in both mapsets


  • Minor changes for consistency


  • Minor edits according to RS direction


J-Core jcore fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イ Prisma☆Illya starlog bootleg remix anime japanese
3 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
3 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
Discussed diff naming in #mapping, putting on hold so that the mapset updating is announced in #ranking-queue
3 years ago
I'm not a fan of jumps starting rolls either, but I kept them because they were "consistent", and thought I'd get nailed for omitting them. I've removed the following notes from both diffs: `37210|1 133210|4 147610|4`

Regarding diff names, Kaleid Ruby is the "older sister" to Kaleid Sapphire... If you don't feel that's sufficient justification for the naming, then I'm gonna have to enlist the help of a proper weeb because I have never actually watched the show.

And the anchors, yeah - I saw a few of them, but changing them requires restructuring basically the entire stream section, so I'd rather not touch things there unless someone finds it to be a serious issue.
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
Add "starlog" to tags, as that appears to be the title of the original song
Change the diff names to have a clearer progression (more like representation in this case?) of difficulty

I saw some pretty long anchors in the stream of the harder diff, but they didn't really feel bad to me so /shrug
Personally I dislike the presence of the jumps at `133210` in the harder diff but if you wanna keep it I think it's fine
3 years ago
I have just re-submitted my mapset for rank!
3 years ago
Had another closer look at this (since, you know, it's been 3 months since I made the map) and here's what I think:

1. missing triples like on ``21310|1,21310|4``, taking as reference ``20710|1,20710|3,20710|4``
You are correct. This was an oversight and those hands should have been turned into jumps. Easy enough fix.

2. cutting the structure on ``96010`` when it should fo much longer for not cut the feeling of the music
I have absolutely no idea what you mean. This section is very different from what comes right before if you listen to the music, and the repeated notes represent the sustained vocals. I think you misunderstood the structure here.

3. missing the pitch on the jumpstream of ``105760`` when notes like ``105910|3`` should start on ``105760``
You completely misunderstood the structure for the jumpstream. The idea was to map jumps every 3rd note to represent the movement of the synth. There was never any intent on pitch relevancy, since this is 4k and there just isn't room for that.

4. copypasted pattern when your style is more disordered (which is bad tho, no structure at all
This isn't constructive. And if you were to read #3 and #5, you'd learn that the problem was your misunderstanding, not the lack of structure.

5. the first difficult is the same as the second except its just overmapped on jumpstreams
If you understood the structure of the jumpstream (see #3) then you would have understood the difference. It's not overmapped. It's the same but with additional jumps on each bass kick.

Maybe if you don't understand something, ask next time? The actual errors I recognize were simple enough to fix, and the difference in difficulty between the charts (especially because of the jumpstream) is significant. If push came to shove, I would have been fine dropping one diff and moving it to a new unranked mapset instead.

And yeah no, once I correct issue #1 I'm resubmitting as soon as your queue opens in 2025. Please do better next time.
3 years ago
The difficulties are different, but if you really perceived them as being that similar, then I suppose I have failed in differentiating them.

As for the other listed issues, I agree with a few of what you have listed, but I disagree with others. Additionally, I have seen you guys work with mappers to get things ranked when they have many more issues than what you have listed here, so I can only assume that the difficulties "being too similar" was the nail in this coffin.


I will make some edits according to your criticism, but I will not resubmit this mapset.
3 years ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 3 days.
3 years ago
Structure errors (missing triples like on ``21310|1,21310|4``, taking as reference ``20710|1,20710|3,20710|4``. cutting the structure on ``96010`` when it should fo much longer for not cut the feeling of the music and missing the pitch on the jumpstream of ``105760`` when notes like ``105910|3`` should start on ``105760``), copypasted pattern when your style is more disordered (which is bad tho, no structure at all) (reference: ``139210`` is the same as ``19360``), and most important, the first difficult is the same as the second except its just overmapped on jumpstreams, are enough motives for deny.
Noch Einen
Noch Einen
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
Noch Einen
Noch Einen
3 years ago
do not update just yet, its just my own preference that some pair of patterns are not into my liking, currently asking for opinion.

i'll let you know when you should update
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