The creator has just updated their mapset, and its status has been changed back to Resolved.
Chopped Chin
3 days ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
The mapset has issues with metadata.
last thing before ranking:
- source should be "beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL"
1 week ago
Added pronounced doubles to snare on Hard difficulty. Primarily to snares located on 1/1.
1 week ago
The creator has just updated their mapset, and its status has been changed back to Resolved.
Chopped Chin
2 weeks ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
I am making suggestions for one or multiple difficulties in the mapset.
Normal and hard very similar structure with hard just being normal with occasional 1/4 bursts in the main sections (54179) which makes the progression a little lackluster think it'd be a little nicer if for hard diff you increased the density a bit so it can have a cleaner progression between both diffs. My suggestion on doing that is to double every pronounced snare so like 54597|4 55016|1 58923|4,59342|4 etc. OR you could try to make normal introduce more 1/1 breaks like at 63947 where there is a natural pause in the vocals
Additional comments:
this is just a suggestion, feel free to reject it or do something different
1 month ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!