I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
I agree with the last comment. Overall, some parts represent the song poorly like at 83696 structure is very incoherent and inconsistent and also 125209 . Trills like 168861|1,168861|3,168923|4,168923|2,168986|3,168986|1,169048|2,169048|4,169111|1,169111|3,169173|2 does not reflect the song well and the difference in the song is too little for such a drastic and strenuous pattern. also avoid trills like 145861|3,145923|2,145986|3,146048|2,146111|3,146173|2,146236|3,146298|2 there's nothing in the music that supports this
2 months ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
-Apply +20ms offset to map
-Overall the map has lots of inconsistency patterns in what you want to do especially in parts that are the same where you change how it plays for little to no reason
-84020 this entire section flows really badly. Like i get you want a slower dense part but you dont do it to anything in the song making it feel random and playing really badly
-(147361) all the bursts like 147486|3,147486|4,147548|1,147548|2,147611|3,147611|4 are all super early i dont know if this is a timing point issue from you but its all super early
- The LNs(like 26640|1,26640|2) feel very akward and out of place and generally ruin the flow the chart (except at the end at 176111 where its actually good)
- (189394) dont do this SV its really out of place compared to the other SV and is way too unexpected for the chart.
3 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!