The creator has just removed their own mapset from the ranking queue.
Rainbow Dash
1 month ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
there are many missnaps in this mapset that appear to be accidents as they are often a 1/4 snap early or a 1/4 late. (i.e. 2690 - 2840 is a 1/4 snap late; 4190, 4340, 4490 are a 1/4 snap early)
there are sounds that are entirely omitted for seemingly no reason in the mapset, which throws off the difficulty balancing in each difficulty. this shouldn't be done in an insane or hyper difficulty as you are given sufficient room for representation without sacrificing playability at that level of difficulty. (i.e. 8315 is the same sound as 8015 but is dropped for no justifiable reasons like playability and etc.; 14315 still has a vocal on it but is also dropped for no justifiable reason; the entirety of the section between 19265 - 28865 only represents one instrument when there are many loud percussions playing over it)
here are many awkward patterns that don't really reflect well on the song in general.
Additional comments:
lower diff seems to also just be top diff with notes removed and some patterns flipped.
the banner resolution for this map seems incorrect, it should follow the aspect ratio in increments of 421x82.
3 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!