Updated: 3mos ago
Uploaded: 4mos ago
Submitted: 3mos ago


Embark Studios


No description
1 month ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
Edit > Apply Offset To Map > "18" > SURE
The mapset requires an offset and or is completely mistimed.
check modding for "Hard"
TL:DR; overall difficulty is very inconsistent both in music representation and difficulty
Chopped Chin
Chopped Chin
1 month ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
(referring to the "Insane" difficulty) My biggest concern is with the playability of the chart like how uncomfortable a lot of the stream section like at 131917 and 67302 etc. play. They contain many one onehanded trills, at considerable lengths too that make it so players at this level can really struggle on those players due to their lack of development in finger control so please keep that in mind. In this case I suggest introduce more hand balance so sections like these would be easier to play. There are also numerous inconsistencies throughout the chart that make the chart's layering and structure very incoherent. For example: the way you assign chord sizes to sounds like at 5839|4,75839|1,75839|3 vs 75609|3,75609|1 both are clearly the same sound but one is triple and one is double.
3 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!
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