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The creator has just updated their mapset, and its status has been changed back to Resolved.
6 days ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
The mapset's timing is incorrect, and requires an offset or additional timing point(s).
Edit > Apply Offset To Map > "23" > SURE
additionally `191436` will require a few BPM changes since currently notes fall behind then ahead. use playback speed 25% or 50% to figure out the exact time that the note occurs and adjust accordingly on every difficulty
Chopped Chin
2 weeks ago
I have voted for this mapset!
3 weeks ago
The creator has just updated their mapset, and its status has been changed back to Resolved.
1 month ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
There are issues with one or multiple difficulties in the mapset.
I am making suggestions for one or multiple difficulties in the mapset.
check modding
3 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!