Updated: 2mos ago
Uploaded: 6mos ago
Submitted: 4mos ago




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artcore electronic speed chordjack
2 months ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
nei makes some good points, i think this has promise but your patterning has a lot of room for improvement as a whole across all 3 diffs, but is most apparent in the top difficulty. patterning in the chorus section seems to have wild variance in difficulty despite the song having no change in certain measures compared to others.
Chopped Chin
Chopped Chin
2 months ago
ignore what i said about the source, i thought the source was empty oops
Chopped Chin
Chopped Chin
2 months ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
You have two duplicate bgs but only one is used

source should be "OverRapid"

Overall, I think the layering in some sections (referring to top diff) is a bit too inconsistent like in the beginning section like when at 27486 you don't choose to map the drums even when they are present yet you choose to map it at 28567 even though the drums are audible in both sections. Playability wise, there's a ton of hand biases which could hinder the playability of players such as at 39648|3,39648|4,39783|4,39918|3,40053|3,40053|4,40189|3,40189|4 and 47351|4,47418|3,47553|3,47621|4,47756|4,47756|3 and etc.
I would also like to point out there's some what of an insignificant difficulty progression between hard diff and insane diff except at the main parts. For example 61000 this section is easier than hard diff? and 36675|1,36743|2,36810|4,36878|3,36945|1,37013|2,37080|4,37148|3 is the same pattern as hard diff even though it has room to be buffed and fit more as an Insane rather than just a "Hard+"

Additional comments:
check modding page
4 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!
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