<h1><center>Hybrid SV Map</h1></center>
<h5><center>Use Timing Lines!</h5></center>
Song Source: https://on.soundcloud.com/7Vd8pYoUCp35c9eW6
<summary>Part of the "notITG Series"</summary>
Frums - 19ZZ
[❌] Ophidian - The Phoenix
August 5:
August 12:
Metadata adjustments,
"(unknown "lambda") has now been moved into the tags - It's not the artists name but more of an alias for the BMS contest.
Scaled last "Jump" section down to 0.80x as to previous
1 missing note added
August 18:
August 20:
Thanks Emik for the vote ❤
August 24: