Updated: 8mos ago
Uploaded: 8mos ago
Submitted: 4mos ago

Paved Garden



[<<] (https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/140375) #17 [>>] (https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/144672)


  • The hard diff took me WAAY too long to make.

  • Is this considered light/dense jumpstream?

Crossing Delta Rhythm Video Game DNB Drum & Bass Electronic Instrumental LN 2019 t+pazolite Hommarju FLUCTION SEVEN's CODE Lanota Pump It Up XX Dynamix Japan Cafe D Dance Hand Double Triple Jump Stream Rice
4 weeks ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
unfortunately, the playability issues persist on BEGINNER and EASY, which both share a lot of the same problems of inconsistent musical representation and sudden difficulty spikes. be very mindful of your patterning and deliberate with how you layer things. on top of that, please make BEGINNER more varied next time, new players can handle interesting rhythms and the occasional jack, it just needs to not be too dense and overwhelming to parse, and not too straining on the beginner hands
The mapset requires an offset and or is completely mistimed.
Edit > Apply Offset To Map > "19" > SURE
Chopped Chin
Chopped Chin
2 months ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
There are many playability issues across all difficulties that can hinder the overall experience of the chart. In top diff, 10406 this section, the staircase pattern spans way too long and creates many hand biases that can be hard for players to hit. Avoid long jacks like 14256|2,14417|2,14577|2,14737|2,14898|2,15058|2,15219|2,15379|2,15540|2,15700|2,15860|2,16021|2,16181|2,16342|2,16502|2 as they are really uncomfortable for players at this level range. For the main drop at 72011 the section's layering is highly questionable as streams like 72491|1,72572|2,72652|3,72732|4 73775|4,73855|3,73935|2,74016|1 seem to represent the drums yet there is no sounds in the second note (72572|2 75139|4 etc.) Just a suggestion but for the layering I suggest providing contrast between the piano and the reverb for it because right now, there's not much emphasis on the piano sounds when the piano sounds are very pronounced and prevalent throughout this section and it would be much more enticing if you supplemented that. For example, 74737|2,74737|3 is reverb of piano and there's no distinct sound, to provide contrast here from the start of the piano sound 74577|1,74577|3 I would make it a single.
4 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!
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