Updated: 10mos ago
Uploaded: 10mos ago
Submitted: 2mos ago

Kono Hoshi de....


Yume Nikki

Is what we see but a dream or our reality

1.00 - 30.03 MSD

1.05 - 31.10 MSD

1.10 - 32.18 MSD

1.15 - 33.63 MSD

1.20 - 35.08 MSD

1.25 - 36.26 MSD

this map kinda sucks

ゆめにっき dump stream electronic camatek dream diary かめるかめりあ instrumental game
1 month ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
Leaves a lot to be desired in terms of music representation, with the dump being mostly air while only representing the percussion and non-important songs of the music without properly distinguishing either. 188558 and onwards is really confusing with it's overall structure, the song is past its peak yet the chart is at its hardest and most dense here,. 200225 onwards is too out of place in regards to the rest of the chart.
2 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!
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