I have voted for this mapset!
Additional comments:
based song
6 months ago
I have just updated my mapset, and its status has been changed back to Resolved.
6 months ago
will update once get home :pray:
6 months ago
quotes broke, title should be 1,2,3,4! Overclocked Edition
6 months ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
The mapset has incorrect metadata.
title should be "1,2,3,4! Overclocked Edition"
6 months ago
I have just updated my mapset, and its status has been changed back to Resolved.
6 months ago
i tweaked a bit sections 6.3 and 9
6 months ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
There are issues with one or multiple difficulties in the mapset.
ending patterning is a complete mess, colour theory is interesting.
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
the ending patterning past 389627 is a complete mess, other than that the colour theory stuff and the rest is decent, the burst patterning especially in the longer sections might be good to reduce the jump usage there.
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
Diederich OIsen
9 months ago
Apply +23ms offset
Incoherent chord sizes throughout the map: Same element are represented with different patterns (namely chord sizes) in the same section, leading to inconsistency (e.g. claps in jazz section are represented with both doubles & triples; kicks throughout the map can show more consistency as well imo)
execution of custom snap coloring is quite confusing: In the beginning I can still see that green is used in every count but in the following sections there are some greens interspersed mainly on kicks which is sort of unintuitive to play. I'd recommend sticking to 1 principle or just remove it since it really doesn't do much to the map unlike some sv maps in which custom snap colours serve as indicators
Hand balancing: Some sections are biased towards one hand (e.g. jumpstream from 422639 is right hand biased with a 14-note anchor on column 3 and overall higher density)