This was actually intended but after rethinking about it it's true that it doesn't make much sense. Fixed
1 year ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
1 year ago
94863 and 96087 seems to be empty for no reason compared to 101394 and 102210 which has notes, I suggest adding notes on the first 2 timestamps
1 year ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
1 year ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
1 year ago
Remove 1.00x SV. Tags should be comma separated with spaces in between tags. Additional audio in song folder, please remove them. Source should be "Trilogy", add "electronic" to tags.