Updated: 5mos ago
Uploaded: 1yr ago
Submitted: 1yr ago

Yoma nocturnal II

Phoenix project

No description
Apparitions Stalk the Night Rumia's theme Touhou
1 month ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
-The general flow of the map is really inconsistent and weird. Like you have alot of simple JS into akward pauses that dont line up with any parts of the songs.
-Applt +150ms offset to the map and shift down all the notes (ctrl + a) to be at the start of the timing point.
-Source should be "Fenipuro Best Selection" (Idk on this one i just googled translated it) and add "ふぇにぷろベストセレクション “13 years 2004-2018”" to the tags
2 months ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
mapset is quite inconsistent in difficulty. the difficulty you have chosen for is an insane and that difficulty allows for allot more expression in certain sections of the map and also doesnt require massive simplification of just ignoring a burst and making it an Ln instead.
mapset also contains inconsistencies with patterning and jacks/anchors. some sections that use Ln only have partially Ln used for while the Ln would fit aswell

The mapset has incorrect metadata.
genre is missing from the tags
1 year ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
1 year ago
A "fixed" difficulty should not be considered as a different difficulty. Additional image in song folder, please remove them. Consider using a better quality background image. Title should be "Yoma nocturnal II", artist should be "Phoenix Project". Remove "Rumia, touhou, rumia, rumias theme, rumia's theme" as these are all repeated tags. Source should be empty.

The entire map is timed incorrectly, should be a single BPM point at "251" instead. The audio seems to be edited in the beginning, consider using a better audio file. The map itself lacks any consistent representation for the song and does not show a general consistency
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