Ranked: 1yr ago
Uploaded: 2yrs ago
Submitted: 1yr ago

Future Candy


Future Cake

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YUC'e J-Pop Future Bass Trap Kawaii Future Bass
1 year ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
1 year ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
1 year ago
I have fixed the errors listed above.
1 year ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
1 year ago
75259|2 and other parts like this during the buildup to the second drop should be jumps for consistency

77343|4 is a ghost note

93870|2,93870|1,93926|3,93981|2,93981|1 these bursts should be moved down to their respective 1/1st lines to match what you did the first time

98010 should probably put a note here cuz noise

102843|1 While this section is pretty similar the noise you mapped to originally isn't here anymore so you should probably remove it

103343 same as 98010

123593 a note should go here cuz noise

126010 note here pls

128926 another note

129426 Should probably chart the jumps for this build up kinda silly they aren't there

158593|2 make dis a jump

173759|4 this LN and the one right after it are kinda odd and I realize this is because of the hand right after the first one but you should either make the hand a jump to continue the LN or remove the second one

165176|2,165259|3 LNs like this and similar should probably either be changed back to normal notes or make these LNs start at 165010 and have them continue up to 165176 to follow the melody

179926|4 you can extend this LN lawl

end the LN at 181426|4 and place a new one at 181926 to follow the melody more

if u have any more questions my discord is _gabbie_ (because discord removed discrim tags like #2244)
1 year ago
I have fixed the issue found in the mapset.
1 year ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
1 year ago
- 58363|2 is unsnapped put it at 58315 (same with 189030|3 at the end)

- 89530|3 is unsapped still

- 91037 All the bursts here are all too early

other than that map is alright
1 year ago
my bad, its '8th stream or 4th with the drum pattern'. I particularly like the drum patterns at the drop so i would like to keep it
1 year ago
One question i had in mind. Do i need to do 8th stream on all drops or do 8th and still keep the drum pattern going?
1 year ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
1 year ago
- Apply 23ms offset

- Source is wrong should just be "Future Cake"

- Remove the unused images in the folder

- missings notes at 22820 and 23153 (is repeated later on)

- 85840|1 i dont know what snap you used for this but this entire section is just 1/3 (same for the bursts later on its just 1/6 not the weird combination of snaps you have there)

- You dont do the weird flams at 136070|3,136111|4 at the start why change and put it here now?

- For playability sake remove the jumps and just make it a single 8th stream (same for this)

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