Ranked: 2yrs ago
Uploaded: 3yrs ago
Submitted: 3yrs ago


Colorful Sounds Port

Grand Rain + CANDY STEP

Thanks Arkener for the feedback

Hyper J-Pop jumpstream handstream BMS Video Game Music
Kirisame Marisa
Kirisame Marisa
2 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
2 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
2 years ago
Guess we're ranking this lol
2 years ago
Status reverted to Resolved
2 years ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
2 years ago
I'm agreeing with Kim on this one, the difficulties here show little to no variation in patterning and are fairly close in rating, while one is obviously harder to play the way the difficulties play is too similar, making the set a lot more uninteresting. That and the patterning just in general is very lackluster and awkward, especially in the top difficulty. This could be fixed by altering the density of the second half of each difficulty, making it a tad bit more interesting as well as making the map flow better instead of just constant streams where it's only just barely justifiable. For that reason, I'm not confident in ranking this set
2 years ago
Personally, I think the difficulty level of the two difficulty levels is almost the same.
For this reason, I think that there is a problem with the rule of Difficulty Spread of RC, and I think that one difficulty level should definitely be lowered.

For now, I think that simply adding one note to a 1/1 snap and adding a few notes to a jack pattern does not make a difference in difficulty.
Kirisame Marisa
Kirisame Marisa
2 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
Kirisame Marisa
Kirisame Marisa
2 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
Kirisame Marisa
Kirisame Marisa
2 years ago
sorry for being late

Added a mod.

Play is not smooth in the 1/8 HS and 1/8JS sections. I think it is necessary to regularly secure a pattern while thinking about the balance of both hands :)
Eternal Roxas
Eternal Roxas
2 years ago
I do not feel the need to change the names, the difference between nonstop and eternally are clear, so I feel that there is a difference between the difficulties. (you are beautiful :>)
Kirisame Marisa
Kirisame Marisa
2 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
Kirisame Marisa
Kirisame Marisa
2 years ago
As pianoluigi says, this is a mapset where there should be a lower additional difficulty level.

Therefore, it is necessary to properly distribute the difficulty names so that you can immediately see the difference in difficulty visually and intuitively.

In fact, can you intuitively know 'Nonstop' and 'Eternally' right away?

At least I don't think so.

You need a name that should be used for further understanding, such as (Expert) or (Expert+) at the end of the name.

And... (Your Marisa is beautiful.) Added some mods :>>>>
Eternal Roxas
Eternal Roxas
2 years ago
Updated, Eternally Draining is the most hard difficulty (Handstream) and Nonstop Draining the before difficulty (Jumpstream)
2 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
2 years ago
Accroding to ranking criteria, non marathon length mapsets should show clear progression in difficulty names, please change the name of the lower difficulty to matching standard difficulty name or come up with naming scheme that has clear progression!
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