i don't feel comfortable casting any kind of vote for this so i'll just drop in that `Instremental` tag is misspelled
1 week ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset has issues with metadata.
The mapset requires an offset and or is completely mistimed.
Insane: the whole map pattern wise is very meh, i already tried to explain patterning in 7k in #playtesting. Generally all the patterns feel very cramped (f.e. 31295) and really strange in finger coordination (f.e 82545 - this whole section here feels very awkward since you overwork the right hand and streams just go into each other 82812|5,82901|6) due to note placement. You want patterns to flow into each other and interact well within the section. Try thinking how players would play the pattern (personally i would be jacking most of the notes, unless its 1/4 snap then i will go in stream mode), maybe it'll help you.
Hard: i feel this map is very lacking due to how you drop many of the interesting song representation. but it does play much better than top diff.
Honestly, song choice is not helping you here, its a pretty tech kinda song while you're trying to figure out pattern interaction. This would need a major remap.
ESV EpicCreeper
1 month ago
Hey, 7K RS, I'm not that good at mapping 7K, but I want this mapset to be actually good, beyond just the baseline ranking standard. Thurrow modding would be really appropriated, but even if the map is rankable but you have slight nitpicks or something feels off, tell me before you vote for it, even ping me in discord.
ESV EpicCreeper
1 month ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!