Updated: 4mos ago
Uploaded: 3yrs ago
Submitted: 3yrs ago


laura les

No description
hyperpop EDM electronic dark 100gecs
2 months ago
please include what difficulty your referencing next time for map issues, thanks
Chopped Chin
Chopped Chin
2 months ago
why i say instrumental, i meant English oops
Chopped Chin
Chopped Chin
2 months ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
There are issues with one or multiple difficulties in the mapset.
I dont quite understand how you represent the drums sounds it feels inconsistent especially with the chord sizes. For example 11691|1,11691|3 is a double and 12400|4,12400|1,12400|2 is a triple yet the snare sounds have the same intensity, is there any reason? It's prevalent throughout the difficulty. Same for the kicks, it switches from triples to double without anything in the music supporting it, ex: 14171|1,14171|2,14171|3 vs 15588|2,15588|1 etc. Furthermore, the jack structure seems to varies every beat and makes the structure of your chart more incoherent. For example, 11337|2,11514|2 at the start of this beat you make a jack here but not at 14348|4 Also 17360|4,17360|1,17537|2,17537|4 contains jack but not 18777|4,18777|1,18954|2,18954|3

also could add instrumental to tag for language :3
I am making suggestions for one or multiple difficulties in the mapset.
I think song representation in easy diff is very lacking as there's many 1/2 kick sounds that are very distinct in the song like 17548 17902 but not mapped even though players at this level range can handle notes at 1/2. Also mapping just the drums on 1/1 just creates a significant difficulty gap between easy and normal diff as normal uses constant 1/2 jumpstreams while easy uses only 1/1 jumps. I think it'd be more enticing if you mapped the 1/2 kicks to add more contrast for the drums represented as doubles
5 months ago
my b I fell asleep for 2 years (idk why but the lyrics for this version differ slightly from the one ranked version submitted by Attack54??) I fixed this 6 tweas deep, enjoy.
2 years ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
2 years ago
This set has been on hold for a month
2 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
2 years ago
Change the offset of both difficulties to 370.

There are a lot of consistency issues involving hands in the top difficulty, and patterning can be a bit odd at times as well, like 17891|3,17891|4,17891|2,18068|1,18068|3,18068|4,18245|4. There isn't much reason for column 4 to have 3 notes anchored there. Go back through the top difficulty and remap the hands to follow a set sound, as well as change the patterning a bit so it flows better.
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