I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
2 years ago
The chart is out of sync with the music. The offset should NOT be left at 0.
The Difficulty names fail to show a clear sign of progression. Its recommended you just use normal difficulty name progression.
The Chart is inconsistent with varying chord sizes used for the same sounds, seemingly at random.
The chart can really fail to capture the feel of the music. While all the notes in the chart happen in the music, the chart fails to focus on whats important in the song.
Miku Hatsune
2 years ago
I have just re-submitted my mapset for rank!
3 years ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
3 years ago
The map is very inconsistent and the emphasis are rather weird as there are doubles which seem to make no sense or triples which feels random.
I also feel like the patterning is very inconsistent as sometimes you make the beats long notes but then make them normal notes.
I recommend joining the Quaver discord and ask for some mods, I am willing to explain this map further in dms or in the discord if you want.