If you're interested in joining, DM @Tempyseemo on Discord so I can hand you an application form.
Barack Obama Battlecarrier Accuracy Seals is the rhythm gaming branch of the B.O.B. owned by Tempyseemo, focusing on building a mentorship program for everyone to share their knowledge and a community where people help eachother in their growth.
BOBA allows multiclanning, we do not require your full loyalty as we aim to help as many people along the way.
There's also no rank requirement, we're only asking for a clean reputation and the ability to take and share feedback.
[Perks for being within BOBA]:
- Hosted drills/meetings to meet up together and share what's been going on
- Social Linking between multiple allied clans
- Nonserious environment, we only seek for you to grow as a person
- Personalised training if you are BUD/s
[Basic Rank Information]
BOBA/s and above:
These people have proven to me that they are capable of helping others in a agreeable way and are able to be independent in BOBA.
They are allowed to host coaching sessions or group social events.
BUD/s (Those in the BUD/s training program):
Those in this program will be prioritized for guidance and personalized coaching. They get promoted to BOBA/s when they have proven their growth to me by completing their own goals.
There is no time limit for a person to complete the BUD/s program.
[Ally List] - We basically just freely communicate with them lol
[ABSR - Act Broke Stay Rich]
[QC - Quaker Clan]
[ARG - Ascension RG]
[BMS - Be Music Source]